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DateWednesday, January 8, 2025, 5:32

AuthorChemeketa Public Affairs

Board of Education Advocates for Increased Funding to Support Students and Strengthen the Local Workforce


Chemeketa Community College reaffirms its commitment to transforming lives and strengthening communities through quality education, services, and workforce training. Reflecting the college’s values of community, belonging, adaptability, quality, and opportunity, the Chemeketa Community College Board of Education adopted Resolution No. 24-25-07 on December 11, 2024, in support of the Oregon Community College Association’s (OCCA) Legislative Priorities for the 2025 Oregon Legislative Session.

As the only sector of public post-secondary education open to all students regardless of education or skill level, community colleges play a pivotal role in addressing educational, economic, and social inequities. Through programs such as Career and Technical Education, workforce training, short-term certificates, GED programs, and dual-credit courses, Chemeketa and other community colleges serve as critical bridges between high school and four-year degrees while also upskilling adults to meet workforce demands.

Resolution Highlights:
The Chemeketa Board of Education acknowledges the challenges of insufficient financial aid and capped funding and supports the OCCA’s call for:

  • $920 million for the Community College Support Fund (CCSF): To ensure current service levels with modest statewide tuition increases.

  • $150 million increase for the Oregon Opportunity Grant: To expand access to need-based financial aid, benefiting high school graduates and working adults, and addressing inequities in educational attainment.

  • Raising the Article XI-G Bond funding cap to $14 million: Adjusting for inflation to support critical capital projects.

  • $10 million for student basic needs: Addressing food, housing, and transportation challenges to support student success.

  • $1 million for corequisite supports: Funding faculty training and implementation of first-year math success initiatives, particularly for underrepresented students.

  • An Adult Reconnect policy bill: Directing the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to develop strategies for reengaging adults with some college but no degree.

“The Board’s support of these priorities reflects our commitment to the students and communities we serve,” said Jessica Howard, Ph.D., President and CEO of Chemeketa Community College. “Oregon’s community colleges are critical to the state’s education and workforce ecosystems, and these priorities will help ensure our continued ability to serve students, businesses, and communities effectively.”

For more information about Chemeketa Community College and its programs, please visit

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