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DateWednesday, November 27, 2024, 1:58

AuthorChemeketa Public Affairs

Celebrate the holiday season with a heartwarming live performance of Vince Guaraldi’s timeless jazz soundtrack, featuring fresh interpretations and festive surprises.

A zoom-in on a drawing of the top of a red doghouse with Christmas decorations

Chemeketa Community College  invites you to celebrate the holiday season with The Music of A Charlie Brown Christmas, a live performance that brings Vince Guaraldi’s iconic soundtrack to life.

First airing on December 9, 1965, A Charlie Brown Christmas quickly became a holiday classic, beloved for its heartwarming story of a boy, his humble Christmas tree, and the true spirit of the season. Just as memorable as the story itself is the show’s unconventional and genre-defying soundtrack, penned by jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi. Featuring original compositions and reimagined holiday classics, Guaraldi’s music continues to enchant audiences of all ages.

This live performance honors the spirit of Guaraldi’s original work while adding fresh interpretations, extended improvisations, and unique sonic textures. The trio—featuring Nathan Olsen on keyboards, Jarred Venti on bass, and Mark Powers on drums and percussion—promises an unforgettable evening of music.

Event Details:

  • Date: Friday, December 20
  • Time: 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
  • Location: Chemeketa Auditorium, Building 6, 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem
  • Tickets:
    • General Admission: $25
    • Senior: $20
    • Student: $15
    • Day-of: $30 (+fees)
    • VIP Experience: $40 (includes pre-show reception with the band at 6:45 PM, light hors d'oeuvres, and drinks)

Purchase Tickets:
Tickets are available online at Eventbrite.

For More Information:
Contact the Chemeketa Ticket Info Line at 503-399-6980.

Join us for this festive celebration and let the music of A Charlie Brown Christmas fill your heart with holiday cheer. Chemeketa Community College is delighted to offer this special performance as a gift to our community, along with warm wishes for the holiday season.

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