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Chemeketa Polk Center Student Services

Chemeketa Polk Center provides a number of services to help you succeed.

Check out the different services available through the Chemeketa Polk Center in Dallas.

  • Getting Started - Student Admission
    • New students click here to visit our First-Time College Student step-by-step admission process
    • Returning students click here to update your contact information by re-applying for admission 

    Once you have enrolled please contact the Polk Center at 503.623.5567 to make an appointment with our advisor, Jorge Anaya. Advising appointments can be held in person, by phone, or on Zoom.

  • New Student Advising

    All new students to Chemeketa are required to meet with an advisor before being allowed to register for classes for the their first three terms. These sessions help students plan and register for classes, understand placement test scores, access student services and learn more about attending Chemeketa.

    Once you've applied to Chemeketa for student admission you can contact the Polk Center at 503.623.5567 or at to make an appointment with our advisor, Jorge Anaya, or make an appointment directly through your student Navigate app by choosing the Polk Center. Please have your student ID/K# and student Chemeketa email account available when making an appointment. 

  • Academic Advising, Counseling & Accessibility Services

    Academic Advising

    Face-to-face and remote advising services are available at the Polk Center. Students can an appointment through their Navigate app or call 503.623.5567 to make an in-person, phone or Zoom appointment with our advisor, Jorge Anaya.

    Personal, Career or Crisis Counseling

    Face-to-face and remote personal and career counseling services are also available through the Salem campus and are free to currently enrolled students. All counseling appointments are confidential. You can make an appointment through your student Navigate app.

    Accessibility Services

    Face-to-face and remote accessibility services are available at the Polk Center. You can fill out an accessibility services request form at and an accessibility services specialist will contact you, or contact the Polk Center and we can make that appointment with our on-site accessibility services specialist, Dennis Crepeaux.

  • Polk Center Testing Services

    Proctored Student Testing


    For questions or additional information, please call the Salem campus Testing Center during regular business hours at 503.399.6556.

    Non-Proctored/Unsupervised Student Testing

    Non-proctored/unsupervised, paper only testing is available to CCC students only, on a very limited basis at the Polk Center, if authorized by their instructor. Please contact your instructor for authorization before calling to set up a testing appointment.

    Once authorized by their instructor, students can contact the Polk Center to make an appointment by phone or email ( Instructors: Please email to receive a testing information sheet for your student.  Students will not be allowed to bring purses, backpacks, cell phones, food, drink, or any other personal items into the testing classroom during their testing time. Students will be required to bring a state issued ID or their Chemeketa digital ID with them to the appointment for identification purposes, along with a pen or pencil.

  • Polk Tutoring Services

    The Polk Center does not have in-house tutoring at this time.

    Students can contact the Tutoring Center through their Student Navigate app to make an appointment either on Zoom or in person in Salem at the Tutoring Center on the Salem campus.

    Visit Tutoring & Study Skills to learn more about tutoring and study skills workshops.

  • Textbook Information

    All textbook services information is available online at Affordable Textbooks.


  • Student ID cards

    Chemeketa uses digital ID cards. Once you become a student you can go to your student my.chemeketa account and set up your digital ID.

  • Parking

    Parking Permits are not required at Chemeketa Polk. Permits are required at all other Chemeketa locations.

    Visit the Parking & Traffic Code page for additional information on parking at Chemeketa.